For Mt.Fuji Trip Participants 富士山に登るために

Category: Information, Summer Holiday Course, Tourism

For students who are taking Summer Holiday Course 1 & 3 and going to Mt.Fuji


If you applied for the course starting from July, you have just about 1 week more until you come to Kudan!

For students who are taking Summer Holiday Course 1 & 3, we would like to inform something you should know before climbing Mt Fuji.


First of all, these are what you should prepare and bring to climb Mt.Fuji.

1.トレッキングシューズ Trekking shoes

High cut trekking shoes are the most recommended shoes. The sole of sneakers are too soft. It is harder to climb Mt.Fuji because there are so many places and it might become a cause of injury. However, if it is your first time to buy trekking shoes and have never worn them before, it is also not good. You might get a sore or sprain from the new trekking shoes. If you are going to climb Mt. Fuji with your sneakers, please choose thick-soled shoes with shoe lace.

◎トレッキングシューズTrekking Shoes


✕ヒールHigh-heeled shoes


If you have a rucksack for mountain climbing, please bring it. If you don’t have the one for mountain climbing, you can use your regular backpack. It is easier to carry your drinks and is also lighter for the shoulder if you use a rucksack for mountain climbing. We believe there are no students who carry a handbag or purse. If you carry a handbag, you cannot use both hands. There are many rocky places, so it will be easier to climb if you are able to use both hands. Therefore, please prepare a backpack where you can keep your things such as clothes like jackets. And in order to prevent yourself from heat stroke, please don’t forget to carry along your drinks and (energy) food with you.

◎登山用ザック Rucksack for mountain climbing

〇普通のリュック Regular backpack

✕ハンドバッグ、手ぶら handbag/purse/nothing

3.Tシャツなど Proper Clothes

Chemical fiber or wool T-shirts are recommended. NOT cotton. If you want to avoid sunburn or if your skin is sensitive, long-sleeved chemical fiber shirts are better. Even in summer, the average temperature at the top of Mt.Fuji in the morning is 5 degrees Celsius. You should bring a jacket to adjust for your body temperature.

Please take a look at the pictures below. There will be a change of clothes depending on the temperature.


登り始め At the start of climbimg ↑

8合目あたりAt the 8th station ↑

4.レインウェア Rainwear

The weather can get bad. In the case of rain, you can keep yourself warm if you have rainwear. Even if it doesn’t rain, you can wear it to protect yourself against cold weather. If the weather is fine, you might feel hot. However, you might feel cold at the beginning of climbing and while being close to the top.

◎全身レインウェア Full body rainwear(jacket and pants)

✕折り畳み傘 Folding umbrella

5.トレッキングポール Trekking poles/Hiking Sticks

If you have trekking poles, it’s better to bring them. Especially when you climb down, it will be a lot easier. It will reduce the burden on your feet and knees. However, it is optional. If you worry about your knees, it will help. You are young, so it should be okay even if you don’t have trekking poles. There is a wooden walking stick called “Kongozue or Kongobo”. Some students will get it at the 5th station. It is actually one of the typical souvenirs of climbing Mt. Fuji. You can use it as a walking stick. There is a longer stick and a shorter one. If you visit each Yamagoya(station), you can buy Yakiin(a kind of branding on the stick). You need to pay 200 yen to 500 yen to get this. The kinds of Kongozue(Kongobo) and prices are different. The design and price of Yakiin is also different. However, the Kongozue(Kongobo) will really be a nuisance. Especially when you climb up, you need to use both hands to climb up the rocks. If you have to carry the Kongozue(Kongobo) all the time, it’s hard to climb up. If you use trekking poles or a shorter Kongozue(Kongobo), you can put it in your backpack. Please think about it carefully first if you really want to buy a Kongozue(Kongobo).

◎トレッキングポール Trekking poles

Kongozue(Kongobo) with Yakiin. Smaller size and longer size.

There are many Yakiin on his Kongozue(Kongobo).

This rocky area seems a little difficult to climb.

 〇△金剛杖 or 金剛棒 Kongozue or Kongobo(a wooden walking stick)

6.帽子 Climber’s hat
In Mt. Fuji, there are no trees in most areas. Therefore, we cannot hide under the shade of trees. You will be exposed to direct rays of the sun. Please prepare something to cover your head like a hat. The climber’s hat or a hat with a string is better. Sometimes it can get windy, so the one with a neck-string is much better. The climber’s hat has a round brim as well so it can protect from having sunburn.

◎つばが全部ある帽子 climber’s hat has a round brim(hat) 
〇キャップ cap
✕かぶらない do not wear a hat or cap

7.サングラス sunglasses
Sunglasses will protect your eyes from sunlight and UV light. Also, there is so much dust when you return to the 5th station from the top of Mt.Fuji. It’s better to wear the sunglasses to protect your eyes from the dust.

8.フェイスマスク Face mask/ dust mask
Your descent of Mt. Fuji may create a dust storm. With hundreds of other climbers tracking up dust too, a face mask will be very useful. It is better to prepare some form of mask or something that you can cover your mouth and face with from the dust. You can put it on when you start climbing down.

9.スパッツ Hiking gaiters
There are many pebbles on the way back to the 5th station. Hiking gaiters can keep pebbles and rocks from entering your boots. You should put it on when you climb down.

◎スパッツ Hiking gaiters (Small ankle-length gaiters big enough to cover the area from the top of your boot to the area above your ankle)

This is what it’s like on the way down. ↓

Please avoid wearing short pants. We recommend long pants or short pants with sports tights.

10.スポーツタイツ Exercise supporting tights
Wearing exercise tights whilst climbing helps relieve muscle pain.

11.薬 Medicine
Please prepare some medicine that you should bring. Ex.) headache medication, antipyretic, band-aid, etc.

12.旅行保険 Traveler’s Insurance
Before coming to Japan you should get travel insurance.

Things you should prepare after arriving in Japan.

13.日焼け止め Sunscreen
Mt Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, with a height of 3,776m. This means that climbing to the summit will expose you to strong UV rays. Even if it is cloudy, the rays are still able to hit you. Every year students are exposed to these rays, resulting in sunburn. In order to prevent this you should apply sunscreen appropriately. You should also care your lips by using a lip balm with SPF.

Make sure you have 100 yen coins on you as you have to pay to use the toilets.

15.タオル towels

16.行動食 (energy)food
Snacks for the climb.
17.ウェットティッシュ wet tissue (Optional)

We will provide cotton work gloves, oxygen masks, lunch (2 Onigiri), and 1 water bottle to each person. If you don’t feel up to climbing Mt Fuji there is the option of going to Fuji Q instead. However all students must to choose either climbing Mt.Fuji or going to Fuji-Q Highland. We will explain further details during the orientation.

富士山に登るときの注意 Other important information about climbing Mt.Fuji
Always take your garbage with you.
Do not bring home any stones or plants.
If you sustain from any injuries such as a sprained ankle or get altitude sickness, do not continue climbing up.


Every year there are students who wish to climb Mt Fuji, however only students who have applied through the summer holiday course 1 and 3 can go.

If the weather is not suitable we will not be climbing. Even if some of the above mentioned items are not used please prepare them just in case.

Currently accepting Student Visa applications for April 2025.

2017年7月3日 月曜日 5:02 PM Category: Information, Summer Holiday Course, Tourism.