
Category: Homestay

九段日本語学院では、海外から日本に来る学生の “家族” に

なってくださる方を募集しています !




今回は本校でホームステイを経験した Sさん にお話を聞いてみました!

Interview a student who experienced a homestay.

–  S さんがホームステイで楽しんだことは何ですか? What did you enjoy about your home stay?


“Every day I went home and told my host family what happened that day. They were kind and interested in listening to me so I enjoyed talking about different things such as I made a new friend.”

– ホストファミリーとの一番の思い出は何ですか?

Can you tell us one of your favorite memories with your host family?

「ガラスのアクセサリーを作りに行ったことです ! 」

“It is making glass accessories with my host mother and her friends. ”


–  ホストとのコミュニケーションに困ったときはありましたか?その時はどうしましたか?

Did you have a trouble communicating with your host family? If so, how did you overcome the difficulties?


“I don’t think I had a trouble! (lol) but it is true that I knew I could talk anything to my host family if there was a problem so I felt secured.”

–  S さんの母国の文化についてホストファミリーに紹介したことはありますか?

Have you shared your home culture with your host family?

「はい、ホストファミリーの家でスイス料理を作りました!」 “Yes, I made a Swiss cuisine for them.”

スイスの家庭料理 レシュティ(rösti)

–  スイスと日本の違い・似ていることはなんですか?

What is the similarities and differences between Japan and Switzerland?


“Japanese people are very polite and they tend to speak euphemistically, on the other hand Swiss people can be more straight forward when they speak.  And the similarity is the cleanness of the city. They share the idea of respecting the nature and beauty of the landscape.”


The student was smiling and happily talking about cross-cultural exchange and memories with her host family.


She was a little worried for her first time coming to live in Japan but living with the host family helped her adjust to a new environment and improve her Japanese.


She said, she will continue studying Japanese after going home and will be back in Japan to see her host family again.


皆さんもホームステイを通じて外国に “家族”(友達)をつくりませんか?

❀ 生活の中で海外からの留学生と関わってみたい

❀ 部屋があいていて宿泊などに興味がある

❀ 子供に異文化交流の機会を持たせたい

❀ 外国の文化に興味がある


Currently accepting Student Visa applications for January 2025.

2023年10月20日 金曜日 5:02 PM Category: Homestay.