Online Japanese Course for Beginners オンライン日本語入門コース 在線日語入門課程




Today, I’d like to introduce you to the “Online Japanese Course for Beginners ” that will start in mid-November.



特徴① ライブレッスン Feature 1: Live lessons




The teacher will listen to your actual pronunciation, intonation, and expressions, and correct them during the lesson.

You can also check whether your own Japanese expressions are natural or not during the lesson.

You will also have the chance to practice conversations with classmates from around the world. (Depends on the participants of the course at that time.)

特徴② ローマ字でレッスン Feature2: Lesson in Romanized Japanese




People who have never studied Hiragana and Katakana before can also participate.

If because you think learning hiragana and Katakana is a bit difficult, you are hesitant to start learning Japanese, please join us.

特徴③ 実際に使える日本語を学べるカリキュラム Feature3: Curriculum for learning Japanese that you can actually use



This focuses on Japanese expressions that you can actually use when interacting with Japanese people and traveling in Japan in the future.

How about try taking lessons while imagining your life in Japan?


日程 Schedule

2021年11月15日(月)~12月9日(木)November 15 ~ December 9, 2021

月曜/水曜/木曜 週3回  Mondays & Wednesdays & Thursdays a week

時間 Class Time

18:30-19:15 / 19:25-20:10

Welcome to your inquiry


オンライン日本語入門コース| 九段日本語学院、東京の日本語学校 (


Online Japanese Course for Beginners| Kudan Institute of Japanese Language Tokyo (


在线日语入门课程|九段日本语学院 东京国际化日语学校 (

<中文 (繁體字)>

在線日語入門課程| 日本语学校、到东京留学的话、九段日本语学院就对了 (


여름방학 단기집중 일본어 초보코스 | 구단일본어학원・도쿄에 있는 일본어학교 (

Currently accepting Student Visa applications for July 2024.

2021年10月14日 木曜日 3:08 PM Category: Information.