平日夜のJLPT能力試験対策 Weekday evening JLPT exam preparation online July term 2023

Category: Information





This is Kudan Japanese Institute.

This week, July 2nd, the JLPT exam will be held.

How is everyone preparing?


九段のオンラインJLPT N1/N2/N3コース5月期が6月22日と23日に終了しました。

現在は今年の12月の本番に向けたオンラインJLPT コース7月期の募集をしています。




The May term of our online JLPT N1/N2/N3 course ended on June 22 and 23.

We are now accepting applications for the July term of the online JLPT course for the December exam.


Today we received an early feedback from a student of the May term of the N3 course.

・This class was very helpful. The extra homework was very helpful to continue to practice the grammar points, our Sensei was very kind and nice. She always responded to emails very quickly and gave very detailed explanations to any questions asked.

・Sensei was a great teacher. She made class enjoyable and fun. She also explains all points really well and in a way that is easy to understand. She also responded very quickly to emails and explained the homework, any mistakes, or any questions in deep detail which was very helpful and extremely appreciative.

・This was my first course with a Japanese language school and I really appreciated Kudan’s communication and quick response times. I really enjoyed the course and look forward to taking more courses or maybe even coming to take courses in Japan.

<アメリカの学生より From a student in the U.S.>


<オンラインJLPT N1/N2/N3コース7月期>

・オールライブ/少人数クラス  All live/small group class

・レッスンは週二回 夜8時から9時半 Lessons are held twice a week from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m.

・オンラインだからどこからでも参加OK  You can join from anywhere

・文法を中心に勉強 Focus on Grammar

・暗記型レッスンではないので、文法の運用力も上がる not rote memorization, so you can improve your ability to actually use the grammar



時間:月曜日と木曜日 20:00-21:30(日本時間)

費用:42,000円(税込み including tax)




Please click here for details of each course.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Currently accepting Student Visa applications for April 2025.

2023年6月26日 月曜日 4:54 PM Category: Information.