Interview with Kudan graduate.採訪九段畢業。Chan Nga Pan(香港)

Category: After graduation, Getting a job, Information

Chan Nga Pan(香港)

自主学習→九段日本語学院1年→専門学校(Computer Graphics)3年→スマホ向けITサービス2017年4月~
【Way to work in Japan successfully 】
Self-learning→Kudan 1-year study→vocational school(Computer Graphics)3-years→Smartphone-Service IT Company from April 2017

When you starts job-seeking? And what did you do for job-seeking?
A. I starts job-seeking activities when I am a year-3-student (final-year). For my school, we have regular job-seminar from different companies every month. Besides that, there are two big job-seeking events every year, and school will invite lots of companies to have seminar or booths. Then most of final-year students will prepare their portfolio and resume for interviews. Actually. There are lots of these kinds of job-seeking events outside school, and is for everyone to join. Also, some companies do recruiting through their website, and if people are interested, they can just apply for it directly. Finally, I applied for around 10 different companies, and 5 I get the interview chance. In addition to that, my school organize year-exhibition for students to display their artwork, and invite companies to join the event. Some students get their internship chance there.
當我成為3年生 (最後一年) 時就開始就職活動。我們的學校每個月都有不同企業來舉辦公司簡介會或招聘活動;另外,每年也有兩次大型的聯合招聘活動,學校會邀請很多大大小小的企業來學校直接與學生們

What kinds of test you have for the job-interview?
For design-related job interviews, the most important is portfolio. A good portfolio is the key to show your ability and talent to the companies.

What kinds of difficulties you have during the job-hunting?
For Japanese culture, candidates are expected to prepare their resume by hand-writing. So, a beautiful hand-writing do show a good image to the company first. Then, the content of the resume is not easy to write for foreigners like me. However, for me, one of the difficulties that I have is age problem and this is really can’t help. It is because I am not as young as those 20-genertation already, and some companies do prefer youngsters. Moreover, I am not good at those Honorific (keigo) Japanese terms, but it is better to use it during the interviews.

When you get the job successfully?
I started to work as part-time since summer last year. Then, the company president knew I am going to graduate in 2017, and were searching for jobs around November last year. So, we started to talk about to work as full-time after my graduation. Finally, everything seems happened to be by chance, and now I will be working as full-time staff from April 2017.

What do you want say to foreigners who are planning to work in Japan?
Please study the good and right Japanese in Japanese school, but not by yourself if you are really planning to work in Japan. At the first beginning, I learned Japanese by watching TV dramas or movies, and my speaking and listening ability is really good enough for daily lives. However, finally I realized that the Japanese for work or using in company is another issue. So, I started to learn ‘beautiful’ Japanese when I entered Kudan, but it was already too late, and difficult to change most of those slangs or accent that I learned by myself.

What is the reason for recommending Kudan?
I have many friends study in different language schools, and within that, no schools provide such great amount of activities for students like Kudan. By joining these activities, students can learn Japanese and at the same time know more about Japanese cultures. Also, students are able to know some Japanese friends through these activities, and this is also kinds of culture exchange. Whenever my friends ask me about Japanese language school, I always recommend Kudan. The teachers and staff are every nice here and they really try to help students whatever we ask for support. I have a friend is studying now, and probably one of another friend will come next year.
Currently accepting Student Visa applications for April 2025.

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2017年3月21日 火曜日 10:18 AM Category: After graduation, Getting a job, Information.