提灯はめっちゃおいしい The Choochin is so delicious

Category: Information





The new semester of July started this week.

Although there are fewer students than usual

because the immigration restrictions have not been lifted yet.

However,  students have started their studies in their new classes.




I know many of you are looking forward to coming to Japan after the immigration restrictions are lifted.

Today, I would like to introduce Japanese food and drink based on a questionnaire I asked Kudan students.


まずアンケートの質問はこちら。 Questions

①出身はどこですか? Where are you from?

②好きな日本の料理は何ですか?   What is your favorite Japanese food / drink ?

③日本に来て初めて食べたものは何ですか?   What was the first food you ate after coming to Japan?

④日本に来て食文化で驚いたことは何ですか?   What surprised you about food culture when you came to Japan?

⑤あなたの国の人々に好まれそうな日本の料理は何ですか?   What are some Japanese food / drink that people in your country might like?

⑥あなたの国の人々に受け入れられないと思われる日本の料理は何ですか?  What Japanese dishes do you think are unacceptable to people in your country?

⑦日本人に紹介したいあなたの国の食べ物は何ですか?  What is the food of  your country that you would like to introduce to Japanese people?


このアンケートに答えてくれた学生の出身地はこちら(あいうえお順)。 Hometowns of the students who responded to this questionnaire (in AIUEO Japanese alphabetical order)

アメリカ  USA/インド  India/韓国  Korea/スウェーデン  Sweden/スペイン  Spain/中国  China/チリ  Chile/ドイツ  Germany/フランス  France/ベルギー  Belgium/香港  Hong Kong/マレーシアMalaysia/ミャンマー  Myanmar



This time, I would like to introduce the answers  to “②What is your favorite Japanese food / drink ?”.



Let’s start with the foods that received one vote (in no particular order)

やきそばYaki soba/カレー Curry/お好み焼き Okonomiyaki/焼肉 Yakiniku/ラーメン Ramen/かつおたたき Bonito tataki/だんご Dango/つけめん Tsukemen/サッポロビール Sapporo beer/キリンビール Kirin Beer/熱燗 Hot sake/梅酒 Umeshu/レモンチューハイ Lemon Chuhai


2票 received two votes

たこやき Takoyaki/日本酒 Sake/味噌汁 Miso soup


栄えある第1位 3票獲得の食べ物は

The foods that won the first place with 3 votes is


寿司 Sushi


鰻 Eel


焼き鳥 Yakitori









“Choochin”, the title of this blog, is a rare part of yakitori.

Actually, as a Japanese,  I did not know about this food either.

It seems that students who drink alcohol are also particular about their beer.

As you can see, the students seem to be enjoying the food life in Japan that suits themselves best.

There are many good restaurants around Kudan Institute.

Please look forward to coming to Japan and continue studying Japanese language.

We will be waiting for you at Kudan Institute.



searched for “うなぎ “(eel) around Kudan Institute.


Currently accepting Student Visa applications for April 2025.

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2021年7月8日 木曜日 5:06 PM Category: Information.