Information Snow hike in Unryu Valley.雲竜渓谷ハイキングガイド

Category: Information, Japanese, Tourism

Let me introduce a special place that can be visited only in the winter season.
You can see the natural ice palace during from mid January to the beginning of February.

In this article,  I will provide a simple explanation including details on how to access this place.

I can’t clearly explain in English, so please refer to the following links:

Ice Falls in Unryu valley near Nikko [Log] – MountRec

Among the Peaks – Nikko’s frozen waterfalls: Unryu Keikoku

Unryu Valley in Winter | MustLoveJapan Video Travel Guide

The snow trail is dangerous.
You might get lost.
Weather conditions might get severe.
You must prepare necessary equipment.
You need to go with an experienced person.

必ず必要なもの Necessary equipment

トレッキングシューズ Trekking shoes

サングラス sunglasses

アイゼン Eisen
凍った雪道は滑ります。The snow road slips.

ヘルメット helmet
つららが落下しますIcicle falls.

雲竜渓谷 Unryu Valley

Unryu Valley is in Nikko Tochigi prefecture.

雲竜渓谷へのアクセス Access to Unryu Valley.

You can go on a day trip to The Unryu Valley from Tokyo. (You must go early in the morning)

4:44 東京 新宿 Tokyo Shinjuku
↓(電車 Train)
08:07 東武日光駅 Tobu Nikko ST
↓(タクシー TAXI)
09:00 雲竜渓谷登山口駐車場 Unryu Valley Trailhead Car Parking
↓(徒歩 walk)
12:30 雲竜渓谷 Unryu Valley

電車のスケジュール Train time table from Shinjuku

To Tobu Nikko ST from Shinjuku ST 新宿駅から東武日光駅まで

04:44 → 08:07
Time / 3 hr 23 min Ticket / 1,730 yen

To NikkoST from Shinjuku (Timetable of Jan 2019)

■Shinjuku Platform 15
| Yamanote Line Toward Ikebukuro The Car No.3.6
| 04:44-05:03 [19 min]
| 200 yen
◇Nishi-Nippori Platform 2
| Transfer
| 05:03-05:30 [Transfer 4 min + Wait 23 min]
◇Nishi-Nippori Platform 2
| Tokyo-Metro Chiyoda Line (For Abiko) The Car No.1.10
| 05:30-05:35 [5 min]
| 170 yen
◇Kita-Senju Platform 2
| Transfer
| 05:35-05:46 [Transfer 4 min + Wait 7 min]
◇Kita-Senju Platform 1
| Tobu Skytree Line Sub Express (For Minami-Kurihashi)
| 05:46-06:19 [33 min]
| 1,360 yen
◇Tobu-Dobutsukoen Platform 4
| Direct
◇Tobu-Dobutsukoen Platform 4
| Tobu-Nikko Line Sub Express (For Minami-Kurihashi)
| 06:20-06:31 [11 min]
◇Minami-Kurihashi Platform 3.4
| Transfer
| 06:31-06:32 [Transfer 1 min + Wait 0 min]
◇Minami-Kurihashi Platform 3
| Tobu-Nikko Line (For Tobu-Nikko)
| 06:32-08:07 [95 min]

東部日光駅から From Tobu Nikko ST

駅から雲竜渓谷のアプローチまではタクシーを使います。40分 約2000円
From Tobu Nikko ST to Unryu Valley Trailhead Car Parking.(40Min 2000yen)

Please look for taxis with snow chains.

タクシーには雲竜渓谷登山口駐車場(うんりゅうけいこく とざんぐち ちゅうしゃじょう
Tell the taxi driver「Unryu keikoku tozanguchi chushajo」
(Sometimes taxi drivers will drop you off along the way. Let’s go by foot.)

駐車場から From parking


Go to the Unryu Valley by foot.(2h30min)
If you get lost, go back to the trail and try asking another trekker.


Unryu Valley is a very beautiful ice world.
If you have trekking experience, you should try going here!

Let’s learn and study Japanese at Kudan Institute and have an awesome experience in Japan.

Japanese Language School in Tokyo Japan. Kudan Institute

Currently accepting Student Visa applications for January 2025.

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2019年1月18日 金曜日 3:17 PM Category: Information, Japanese, Tourism.