Interview with Kudan graduate. 採訪九段畢業 Joyce (Taiwan)
Category: After graduation, Contribution, Getting a job
Joyce (Taiwan)
- 就職までの日本語経歴 Japanese study history
- 我在把50音背熟跟學完N5文法後就直接來讀語言學校了。
我是在畢業半年前開始找工作,那時只有N2的證書但順利拿到4家公司的內定並於畢業後入社Before I come to Tokyo, I only learned katakana, hirakana and JLPT N5 level grammar. I was assigned to N4 entry level class in Kudan at first, after 18 month, I graduated from school as the advanced level class student also passed N1 exam.
I started my job hunting 6 month before my graduation with only N2 level Japanese back then, but luckily I got 4 offers from different companies. I enter the company I am now in right after I graduated from Kudan.
- 自己紹介 Self-introduction
- 我是來自台灣的女孩,大學時主修哲學,大學畢業後就直截來日本學日文。
I am a Taiwanese girl with bachelor degree in philosophy. I came to japan after graduated from college. - 私の夢 My dream・日本に来た理由 Reasons to come to Japan
- 雖然我非常喜歡自己的國家,但我希望在30歲之前能盡量待在國外擁有更國際化的視野跟經驗,日語是相較之下在亞洲最為實用的語言,同時日本也有非常大的市場,在這裡擁有更多學習國際業務的機會。
I always want to work in foreign country in my 20s and 30s. After graduated from college, I feel there is still lot more to learn and eager to study a new language. Japan is close to Taiwan and Japanese is a strong language in Asia. Also, with the huge population, the market here is larger than Taiwan. I know I can learn more in Japan. and with its unique culture, it is quite interesting to live here, there are always so much to observe and to be inspired.
- 九段の勉強は? About Study in Kudan Japanese Institute?
- 我在九段學習了1年半,老師及職員們都非常的熱心,不只是課業方面生活部份的問題也都很積極地幫助我。我目前任職的公司也是學校推薦給我的,他們同時也把我介紹到幾家人才仲介公司讓我的求職過程非常順利。
I was in Kudan for 18month. I love the teachers and the support the school gave me. The staffs were nice to me and always helpful for any study or life problems. After knowing I want to find a job here, the teacher introduced me to some HR company. The job I am having now was also introduced by the principle directly.
- 今はどんな仕事をしていますか?What is your job? What would you feel like your job?
- 我目前於保養品公司上班,職位是人事。
因為我的公司是純日本公司我又是沒有工作經驗的新人,所以有非常多規則要遵守,以一個外國人的角度來說,有很多是不合理,難以理解的,但我正是因為想拓展視野才選擇到國外工作,在這裡每天都能感受到新的文化及思考模式,對我來說還是十分有趣及啟發性的。I am working in a cosmetic company as HR now. There are some foreign branches in the company, so I also go to foreign countries for business trip sometimes.
Japanese company has lots of rules and the company culture here is very different for foreigner especially for the newly graduate. Working in japan is challenging but also able to learn a lot.
- 日本留学を考えているみなさんへ For everyone thinking to study abroad in Japan.
- 如果你的母語不是英文,日語之外更要學習英文!日本人是以不暗外語出名的,好的英文實力會大大增加被率取的機會,至少要到不怕張口說話的程度。同時不要害怕自己跟他們不同,我們永遠都會是外國人,不要奢求所有人都要接納你,也不要被同化思想。維持自己的獨特性同時去理解日本的文化,這會使你脫穎而出。
Learn English! Japanese are famous for weak language skill, if you can speak at least 2 language means you have a huge advantage. However, English is still the most useful language, try to learn more English if you are not English native speaker. Also, most of the Japanese companies has lots of rules, but be yourself. They want to hire foreigners because they need our point of views. Maintain your uniqueness and never try to be like them. We are always going to be the outsider.
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2019年7月17日 水曜日 4:17 PM Category: After graduation, Contribution, Getting a job.