Interview with Kudan graduate. Gunce(Swiss)

Category: After graduation, Contribution, Getting a job

Gunce(Swiss)2014 Graduate



Please tell us your thoughts about Kudan. (The things you enjoyed, the things that were difficult for you, etc.)


My experience in Kudan was great. I learned japanese in a very stimulating environment with funny and nice teachers. I made a lot of friends that I still continue to meet a lot in Japan and in other countries. I passed the JLPT 2 because I was well prepared by the school.



Please tell us about why you chose to work in Japan, as well as details about your current job.

私が初めて日本に来た時は特に仕事を探す予定はありませんでした。 偶然、私が国で働いていた時と同じ仕事を日本でも紹介されたのがよい機会でした。私は東京にあるフランスのインターナショナルスクールの小学生の教師をしています。私はフランス語を教えてますが、職場の同僚や家族に英語や日本語を使うことも多いです。

When I first came to japan, I did not plan to search for a job here. It was just an opportunity that
was offered to me to do the same work that I was doing in my home country. I am teaching as an elementary school teacher in the French international school in Tokyo. I teach in French, but I also use a lot of English and Japanese with my colleagues and with the families.


Please share your advice to those who might be interested in studying in Japan.


Japan is a great country where I recommend everyone to come. The Japanese language is completely different from others languages, that is why it is a big challenge to study it. But the more you will understand, read and write, the more you will be motivated to go on and on.
If you want to search for a job here after you graduate, make sure you have a concrete plan of what you want to do. Kudan can also give you good advices for entering schools or universities.
Gambatte and overall have fun!


Currently accepting Student Visa applications for January 2025.

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2015年12月14日 月曜日 10:20 AM Category: After graduation, Contribution, Getting a job.