Interview with Kudan student.

Category: Contribution, Information


Why did you choose to study at Kudan Institute?

My brother lives in Japan and recommended Kudan. After visiting the school, he found that the building was clean, the staff polite and thoughtful, and students came from a variety of different countries. He encouraged me to enter Kudan, which I can now say was the right choice.

What are some of the good points of studying at Kudan?

Kudan doesn’t just help with my Japanese study, but they also support students in their daily lives. For example, prices are higher in Japan than Nepal, so it is very hard to live here without a part-time job. For a Nepali who just arrived and isn’t yet fluent in Japanese, finding a part time job is very difficult. Kudan’s staff sincerely supported me, introducing me to a job, opening a bank account, helping me write a Japanese resume, and giving me job interview training. Because I’m working for a company Kudan introduced me to, I’m able to cope with both my schoolwork and my part-time job.

Please tell us about your part-time job.

I’m washing cars at a car dealership. I was nervous before I started this job, but I was relieved that Kudan’s staff accompanied me to the shop and helped explain how to do the work. My colleagues are all kind and always help me when I don’t know what to do. Thanks to the help of my co-workers and Kudan, I enjoy my job.

Please tell us about your student life at Kudan.

I’m really happy with it! Here at Kudan, students come from a lot of countries, so I can learn about many cultures and ways of thinking. Being able to join a Kanji (Chinese character) course according to my Kanji level helps, because there are fewer students from countries that use Chinese characters in my class than there would be at other schools. School activities such as having an Okonomi-yaki (one kind of Japanese food) party and sports festival are really fun, too! Kudan’s teachers and staff are really kind, and I’ve had no troubles with my studies yet. I’ll study hard to achieve my dream.

What’s your dream?

After studying Japanese at Kudan for two years, I’m going to enter graduate school to study physics. I want to study in Japan because of the high quality of graduate programs here. I want to be a physicist, so I’ll have to study very hard. I know it’s a difficult dream, but I’m convinced I can do it!.

What are the good points and difficult points of living in Japan?

I can’t tell all the good points because there are too many! If I must choose one, it’s that Japan is systematic and well disciplined. For example, people follow the rules, are punctual and so on. I sincerely respect that. Living in Japan is very comfortable.
It’s hard to come up with bad points. For me, everything is great! If I’m forced to say something, it’s that the trains are very crowded sometimes. Maybe I’m just lucky and I haven’t had any bad experiences yet during my 5-month stay. I suppose that there are bad points about living in any country, but I don’t focus on them very much.

Please give a message to the readers!

I’m really happy that I can study Japanese at Kudan. Studying here is absolutely the best choice I’ve ever made. Everybody, enter Kudan, stay focused on your goals, and very soon you’ll see results!

Currently accepting Student Visa applications for April 2025.

2013年11月25日 月曜日 10:16 AM Category: Contribution, Information.