九段ミラクル A miracle of Kudan Institute

Category: Diary, Japanese

こんにちは。事務の山中です。Hi, this is Yamanaka from the Kudan office.

今日は、九段ミラクルのお話をしたいと思います。Today, I would like to talk about my experience “a miracle of Kudan Institute”.


〇年前、私は九段で働く前、九段の交流会に参加していた時期がありました。 Several years ago, I was actually attending exchange meetings of Kudan before I start working for Kudan.

高尾山ハイキングはなんとこの頃から行ってたんですよね~ I go hiking in Mt.Takao since then…


I registered Kudan exchange membership after I quit a first job after graduating from the University and went to Royal building in Kudanshita.




At that time, Kobayashi sensei was an organizer of Kudan exchange meetings and there were exchange meetings in the afternoon on Saturday.

Kobayashi sensei called my name to take the attendance of Japanese participants.


小林先生「山中さん」 Kobayashi sensei “Yamanaka san”


山中「はい!」 Yamanaka “Here!”


すると隣にいた女性が話しかけてきます。 And a woman next me started talking to me.


謎の女性N「あの、山中さんですか」unknown woman N “Are you Yamanaka san?”


戸惑いながら「・・はい・・・。」 Yamanaka “…Yes….?”




unknown woman N “Are you Yamanaka san that working at a travel agency? I booked a trip to Switzerland with my friend!
But we had to cancel because of avian influzenza…  actually I still have your business card!”


と、なんと私の旅行会社時代の名刺を見せてきたのです!! The unknown woman showed me the business card of travel agency which has my name on it…. 



There was avian influenza problems after I quit the job and asked other staff to cancelation of the trip. And she heard that I quit. 


突然のことで大変驚いたのを今でもよく覚えています。It was so suddenly and I remembered about this day very well.


I talked with this woman and found out that we are same age. We became friends from  the relationship between sales staff and a customer.


この日はさらに驚くことがありました!!!  There was one more surprise happened to me.

あるグループで会話をしていると台湾人の男子学生Mikeさんにこう言われました。 I was talking in a group at koryukai(exchange meeting) and one of Taiwanese man  Mike said


Taiwanese student Mike “I think I’ve seen you before…


山中「・・・え?」 Yamanaka “What?”


台湾人学生Mike「・・・あなたのこと、なんか見たことあるんだよなあ。」 Taiwanese student Mike “humm, I think I’ve seen you before somewhere…”


いやいや、本当にやめて。怖いから。 WAIT. Please stop it. I got scared. Because I have just met a former customer today. 

私は九段の交流会に参加したのは初めてだし、台湾人の知り合いはこの当時おりません!! This is the first time I attend Kudan Koryukai and I don’t have any Taiwanese friends at the time.



It was around lunch time on Saturday, so some of Japanese people and Kudan students decided to go to a restaurant Denny’s together.

While we are heading to Denny’s, I was talking with the Taiwanese student Mike.



I was thinking that I have never seen Mike before, but we tried to find things in common. Then Mike told me that he had studied in the United States.


山中「私もアメリカにいたことあるよ!」 Yamanaka “I have lived in the United States before”

台湾人学生M「どこ?」Mike “Where?”

山中「ボストンとオレゴン州ポートランド」Yamanaka “In Boston and Portland, Oregon.”

台湾人学生M「え、俺もボストンで留学していたよ」 Mike “Really? I was in Boston to study abroad.”

山中「ボストンのどこ?大学?」Yamanaka “Where in Boston? University?”

台湾人学生M「Boston University。でもその前語学学校で勉強していたよ」Mike “Boston University. Before that I was studying at a language school.”

山中「え、私もボストンの語学学校で1カ月だけ勉強したことあるよ。どこ?」Yamanaka “Oh really? I also have experience to study at a language school in Boston for a month.”

台湾人学生M「NESEっていうところ」Mike “The name of language school is NESE. ”

山中「え!?私もそこにいたよ!いつ!?」Yamanaka “What!? I was studying at NESE too!!!  When were you there!? ”




Yes, we were at the same language school at same time.


私は某女子大出身のため、大学2年のときにボストンにて5か月間の研修がありました。I was in Boston for 5 months short-program of my university.

希望者のみ1カ月延長して語学学校に通えたのですが、その際、同じ時期に同じ語学学校にいたんです。I extended my stay and studied at a language school for one month. 

ただ同じクラスだった記憶はありません。Mike was there at the same time, but I don’t think we were in a same class. 


話をすると私の大学の同級生と同じクラスでした。I found out that he was in a class with my Japanese friend.

また、私と同じクラスだった韓国人の女の子と仲が良かったみたいで、よく教室に遊びに来ていたようでした。And he had a Korean female friend who were same class as me and often visited my class.


その話を聞いてやっと彼のことを見たことがあるような気がする・・・と思いました笑 Finally I felt like I’ve seen him before lol. 



I organized a dinner with Mike and some of my Japanese friends who went to same language school with us. Everyone surprised this reunion.


世界って広いようで本当に狭いですよね~~。The world seems wide, but it’s really small.


数年後台湾に行ったときも、少しだけ会いました。I met him in Taiwan some years later. 

最近連絡取ってないですが、あの頃仲良くなった人たちは今でもたまに連絡をとっています。 I still have been contacting with some people which I met at the time. 


実はこの話以外にも九段ミラクルは存在します。There is more “Kudan miracles” besides this story.

高尾山ハイキングで一緒だった日本人の女性と1年ほど前にヨガ教室で再会したんです!! I reunited a Japanese woman who went hiking in Mt.Takao together in a yoga class about a year ago.




Due to COVID-19, we cannot organize exchange meeting at school but we try to organize some events. 

I want to make some opportunities to make new friends. 



“If I didn’t quit the travel agency,…..” “If I didn’t go to the exchange meeting,…..”  I didn’t reunited with those people. 


I hope your friendship will keep going and keep in touch even if you go back to your country.

一期一会(いちごいちえ)ですね。”Once in a life time meeting”

私が交流会に参加していた頃の学生たち。(写真の写真ですみません) あら、どこかに私がいますね~。

The photo are the students who were there at the time. Maybe you can fine me in some photos.



Kudan miracles might happen to you in near future.

Currently accepting Student Visa applications for April 2025.

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2020年8月6日 木曜日 2:40 PM Category: Diary, Japanese.