能の舞台鑑賞&体験会 Kudan students experienced “Suriashi” of Noh.

Category: Activity report, Diary, Information, Japanese Culture

皆さん「能(のう)」は観たことがありますか? 歌舞伎が有名ですけど、能の方が歴史は古く、日本の伝統芸能の1つです。

動画の編集が終わらず、ブログを書き終わるのに時間がかかってしまったのですが、能楽師の武田 伊佐さんにお声をかけて頂き、学校近く、水道橋駅のすぐ近くにある「宝生能楽堂(ほうしょうのうがくどう)」まで、在校生・卒業生数人と能の舞台を観に行きました。

Have you ever seen “Noh” before? Kabuki might be more popular, but Noh is the oldest Japanese theatrical art. It took some time to post this blog beacause of editting the videos. Sorry. The Noh player, Ms.TAKEDA ISA invited kudan students to their performance which was held in HOSHO NOHGAKUDO in Suidobashi, so I took some kudan students and kudan graduates to the theatre. 


During the break time after the play of SU-UTA and MAI-BAYASHI, Ms.Takeda explained to kudan students about the story of the play which will be performed aftet the break. Many difficult and old Japanese expression was used in the Noh, therefore it will be also difficult to understand for Japanese people without any documents in advance. The other audience were watching the play with some handouts. Ms. Takeda explained about the story and gave us the handouts with English subtitles, so we could understand the story.


今回観たのは「箙(えびら)」というお話。ものすごく簡単に説明すると、旅の途中僧侶が梅の木の下で若武者の霊に出会います。そのやり取りを舞台にしたものです。 ちなみに箙(えびら)というのは矢を入れて背負う道具のことです。

We watached a play called “EBIRA”. In bried, the traveling Buddhist monks meets a ghost of  a young warrior under the plum(ume) tree. The play was all about the conversation between the monks and a ghost.  Ebira means a quiver for arrows.






One of particular features of Noh is “Omote(Noh masks)”. The main character will be played by Shite, who mostly appears wearing a mask. Shite means protagonist. (A Noh actor with a main role) The other character will be palyed by Waki  who plays an opposite character. In this story of Ebira, the monks will be played by Waki. Those who plays musical instruments is called “Hayashi”.  There are also people “Jiutai” who performs utai. The main character “Shite” plays unworldly beings, such as deity, ghost, ogre, etc.

The opposite character “Waki” plays an adult male who actually lives in this world such as a travel monk, Shinto priest, or samurai. Generally he does not wear a mask, because the character is actaully lives in this world, not unworldly beings. 

What is “Omote“?




能を見ると色々な疑問がわいてきます。Watching Noh brings up a lot of questions. 



How much can the actor see when you are wearing a Noh mask?

They cannot see much. The actor see the pillars through the masks, or he can touch the ground with his feet wearing tabi socks, and see if there are any scratches on the ground. He feels it with the soles of his feet to know where he is.



If you are a shite, will you always be a shite?

You are free to study different roles, but if you decide to be a shite, you will basically be a shite all the time.



The world of Noh is said to be full of hereditary succession. In fact, these days, it is not only a hereditary tradition. People who want to try it are learning it, practicing it, and peforming it.


They have hands-on classes for chanting, the singing part of Noh, and shimai, the dancing part of Noh! This time, it was a speacial trial class only for Kudan students, but I heard that they have trial classes at any time, so both Japanese and International students can participate in the practice!

体験教室の案内はこちら。Details of the class ↓



On this day, Ms.Takeda taught us how to do Suriashi, which varies depending on the role, and we all tried it out for ourselves.




Kudan Institute(@kudan_institute)がシェアした投稿




Kudan Institute(@kudan_institute)がシェアした投稿


It is very difficult to keep your posture correct and your face still in front position. The masks make it almost impossible to see, and depending on the role, you have to wear heavy costumes and say long, difficult lines. Through this experience, we were able to learn a little more about the performers and how difficult each role is, and we will be able to watch Noh from a different perspective the next time we see it.


Watching the Noh play this time, I realized that it must be very difficult to not miss the chance to say the lines. Even for Japanese people, it is difficult to understand the content of Noh because it is an old-fashioned language. That’s why I thought it would be very difficult to keep up with the timing of the lines and the performance, but I think everyone can do it because they practice a lot. I also discovered that Noh is even more interesting when you pay attention to the costumes and the roles of each actor.




We received various comments from the students, such as “It was interesting! or “It was scary because my eyes met the mask.” or “The instrumental performance was wonderful. ”

Even if you are Japanese, you will never be able to go up on a Noh stage. It was a really valuable experience for us. We’d love to experience it again!



Explanation about Noh in English will be this website.


Currently accepting Student Visa applications for January 2025.

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2021年12月21日 火曜日 6:16 PM Category: Activity report, Diary, Information, Japanese Culture.