“もり一” Sushi~Kudan food info~

Category: food, Tourism

Also, There is a delicious Sushi restrant near school, and that low cost!!

Name is “moriichi(もり一)”

Price of 135yen every plate←Important!

You can take any sushi on the conveyor belt.



Sushi material translation table

鮑(あわび) abalone 鯵(あじ) horse mackerel
穴子(あなご) conger eel 鰯(いわし) sardine
鰈(かれい) flatfish 鯨(くじら) whale
おこぜ stingfish 鮭(さけ) Salmon
鰆(さわら) spanish mackerel 鯖(さば) mackerel
鮫(さめ) shark 鱸(すずき) sea bass
鮟鱇(あんこう) angler 赤貝(あかがい) red clam
鰻(うなぎ) eel いくら salmon roe
雲丹(うに) sea urchin 甘エビ(あまえび) sweet shrimp
烏賊(いか) calamari 蟹(かに) crab
鰹(かつお) bonito 牡蠣(かき) oyster
数の子(かずのこ) herring roe 鱈(たら) cod
太刀魚(たちうお) swordfish 鯛(たい) sea bream
蛸(たこ) octopus しゃこ mantis shrimp
秋刀魚(さんま) saury 鱧(はも) conger, pike eel
鰤(ぶり) yellowtail 中とろ(ちゅうとろ) medium fatty tuna
鮪(まぐろ) tuna なまこ sea cucumber
とろ fatty tuna 河豚(ふぐ) blowfish
平目(ひらめ) turbot 帆立貝(ほたてがい) scallop
鰊(にしん) herring 海草(かいそう) seaweed

Access from Kudan

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The basic rule of Kaiten Sush in Japan


Currently accepting Student Visa applications for January 2025.

2013年10月31日 木曜日 10:03 AM Category: food, Tourism.