オンライン日本語入門コース Online Japanese Course for Beginners
Category: Information
In August 19 blog, I introduced the “Online Daily Life Japanese Course ” .
Today, I would like to introduce the “Online Japanese Course for Beginners”.
This course is recommended for those who want to learn from basics. The contents are more basic part of Japanese compared to “Online Daily Life Japanese Course”.
This is a shot of exchange session with Japanese people held at the end of the “Online Japanese Course for Beginners” in August.
At the bottom of this blog, you can find the URL of the “Online Japanese Course for Beginners ” page for each Language.
If you would like more information or to make an inquiry, please visit that page.
2つのコース Two courses
There are two courses available for the “Online Japanese Course for Beginners”.
Please select one, according to your current Japanese level.
The schedule and lesson times are the same for both courses.
日程 Schedule
September 29 (Wed), 2021 – December 17 (Fri), 2021.
時間(日本時間) Lesson time (Japan time)
水・金 18:30-19:15 / 19:25-20:10
Wed and Fri 18:30-19:15 / 19:25-20:10
入門コース① Beginners Course 1
対象レベル This course for
those who have never studied Japanese before
those who do not know Hiragana and Katakana
授業内容 Lesson contents
ひらがな・カタカナ Hiragana and Katakana
あいさつ Greetings
簡単な自己紹介 Simple self – introduction
飲食店での注文 Ordering at a restaurant
などなど etc.
入門コース② Beginners Course 2
対象レベル This course for
those who can read Hiragana and Katakana and can make a simple self – introduction.
授業内容 Lesson contents
場所を尋ねる Asking about places
買い物 Shopping
自分の町の紹介 Introducing your town
目的地までの行き方聞く Ask how to get to your destination
などなど etc.
ちょっと不安という方へ For those who are a little nervous
Are you a beginner and a little nervous about studying with a Japanese teacher via online ? If you think so, there are three things you should know.
① 九段のレッスンはすべてライブレッスンなので、先生はみなさんの様子を見ながらレッスンを進めます。
② 先生はオンラインレッスンの経験が豊富。
③ 7・8月期の“オンライン日本語入門コース”参加者全員最後まで受講。
1) All of Kudan’s lessons are live lessons, so your teacher will proceed with the lessons while watching everyone′s understanding.
2) The teacher has a lot of experience with online lessons.
3) All participants of July and August “Online Japanese Course for Beginners” have kept studied until the end of the course.
If you are interested in this course or Kudan, please be free to contact us.
Welcome to your inquiry
オンライン日本語入門コース| 九段日本語学院、東京の日本語学校 (kudan-japanese-school.com)
在线日语入门课程|九段日本语学院 东京国际化日语学校 (kudan-japanese-school.com)
<中文 (繁體字)>
在線日語入門課程| 日本语学校、到东京留学的话、九段日本语学院就对了 (kudan-japanese-school.com)
여름방학 단기집중 일본어 초보코스 | 구단일본어학원・도쿄에 있는 일본어학교 (kudan-japanese-school.com)
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2021年9月6日 月曜日 5:05 PM Category: Information.